
Detecting Dental Trouble: Signs and Symptoms of an Infected Toothy for Implant Success

Discovering that you have an infected tooth during or after getting a dental implant can be concerning. The health of your teeth and gums is critical to the success of your dental implants, and having an infected tooth could compromise the healing process. Find out what signs and symptoms could indicate an infected tooth and how to proceed to improve your odds of a successful dental implant.

Common Signs and Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

Approximately 1 in 2,600 Americans visit the hospital for a tooth infection. Knowing the signs and symptoms of a tooth infection can prompt early treatment and prevent the condition from worsening.

Pain and Discomfort

Discomfort is a telltale sign of a tooth infection. Some patients will experience a dull, throbbing ache, while others may have sharp or stabbing sensations that come and go.

Redness and Swelling

It may be due to an infection if you have redness or swelling in the gums or face. Swelling is often accompanied by warmth or tenderness in the area, which clearly indicates inflammation and possible infection.

Bad Breath and Unpleasant Taste

Persistent bad breath could mean that a tooth is infected. Infections of the mouth often produce foul-smelling discharge that can linger in the mouth. You may also have a metallic or sour taste in your mouth due to pus or other bacterial byproduct.

Sensitivity to Hot or Cold

Tooth sensitivity is a common side effect of a tooth infection. You may notice that your tooth has become overly sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, such as when drinking coffee or eating ice cream.

Gum Bleeding or Recession

Bleeding gums or gums that appear recessed may indicate a tooth infection. You may notice bleeding while brushing your teeth, or more of the tooth’s surface is exposed.

Diagnostic Techniques for Tooth Infections

Your dental provider can also help you determine if you have a tooth infection using the following methods:

Visual Examination

A visual examination is often the first step toward diagnosing a tooth infection. During an exam, your dentist will examine your gum color and condition, tooth integrity, and the presence of pus, discharge, or swelling.

X-Rays and Imaging

X-rays and other imaging techniques can help your dentist examine your teeth more thoroughly. X-rays include periapical, panoramic, and cone beam (CT).

Percussion and Sensitivity Tests

Percussion and sensitivity tests can help your dentist evaluate the health of your teeth and the surrounding tissues. Standard tests include percussion, thermal sensitivity, and electric pulp tests.

Achieving Implant Success After a Tooth Infection

Your dentist will take specific steps to improve your odds of a healthy recovery after dental implant surgery. These include a pre-implant evaluation to address any infections before proceeding with the implant and providing post-implant care instructions.

Contact Our Office Today to Learn More

If you believe you have an infected tooth or are concerned about the health of your dental implant, contact Vero Elite Dentistry.